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Updated Grand Rapids power analysis: Understanding the GR Power Structure – Part I

June 13, 2024

It has been 6 years since I last did a 10-part series on the Grand Rapids Power Structure. Some things have change, but the systems of power and oppression that exist in this city have only become more sophisticated and more nuanced.

I will probably follow much of the same pattern that I did in the 2018 10-part series, but with updated information and an expanded analysis.

I still believe that the graphic above holds true for Grand Rapids, where private wealth/economic power is at the top in the hierarchy of power for this city. I plan to explore more of that power behind the local government by looking at the people and the organizations that pull the strings regarding local elected officials.

In addition, I will provide some analysis of the sectors and movements that are more likely to challenge the systems of power and oppression in Grand Rapids, which will be explored in the last part of the updated series on the Grand Rapids Power Structure.

I also believe that it is critical that we come to terms with the Grand Rapids Power Structure and have a more robust analysis of who they are, especially if we hope to be able to not only expose them, but to challenge the influence that have over this community. 

Lastly, I would like to re-post a visual depiction of the Grand Rapids Power Structure from 2018, since I understand the power of images can be just as important as the written word.