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Palestine Solidarity Information, Analysis, Local Actions and Events for the week of June 2nd

June 1, 2024

It has been almost 8 months since the Israeli government began their most recent assault on Gaza and the West Bank. The retaliation for the October 7 Hamas attack in Israel, has escalated to what the international community has called genocide, therefore, GRIID will be providing weekly links to information and analysis that we think can better inform us of what is happening, along with the role that the US government is playing. We will also provide information on local events and actions that people can get involved in. All of this information is to provide people with the capacity of what Noam Chomsky refers to as, intellectual self-defense.


Israel Is Starving Gazan Children to Death

Biden admits Israel’s defeat in Gaza 

Following ICJ and ICC Actions, Sanctions and Arms Embargo Are Crucial Next Steps   

Beyond two state solution – Why recognizing the State of Palestine is important 

To Continue The Gaza Genocide, Israel And The US Must Destroy The Laws Of War 

Congress’ Dangerous Dance: Defending Israel or the First Amendment   

Biden’s Bloody-Red Line in Rafah 

Block the Boat: End maritime arms transfer to Israel 

Analysis & History  

“I Was Shocked”: Meet the State Dept. Official Who Quit After Report Denies Israel Blocking Gaza Aid 

Why a military embargo is needed – (an excellent detailed investigation of the various weapons being provided to Israel, mostly from the US. Make sure you click on the word next in the lower right hand corner of this link) 

Local Events and Actions

Power to Palestine: Weekly Rally in Grand Rapids

Wednesday, June 5 12pm – 1pm, Monument Park 

Graphic used in this post is from 

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