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Interview with Calvin Professor on faculty divestment campaign targeting Israel and War Profiteers

March 5, 2024

Yesterday, GRIID made a post about the important action that Calvin University faculty and staff have taken, by crating a letter calling on their university to divest from Israel and Gaza war profiteers.

As a follow up to that story I conducted an interview with one of those professors who signed the letter, Elisha Marr. Included below are the questions that I asked, with the video containing the full interview. 

GRIID – What motivated you and other Calvin faculty to craft a letter calling for Divestment from Israel and the companies profiting from their genocidal campaign?

GRIID – The letter itself has three main components, the Situation in Gaza, the International Condemnation and your Request and Call to Action. Can you talk a bit about what you are requesting specifically and why?

GRIID – The letter has been signed by 36 faculty and 5 staff, as of March 1st, have any new people signed on since then and will you invite Calvin students to sign on to the letter, or do you think it would be better if they did a separate campaign?

GRIID – What would you say to people who work inside of institutions that could follow your example in calling for divestment?

For more information on the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanction campaign go 

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